
Self-care is the ability to promote health, prevent disease, and cope with illness or disability with or without the support of a health worker.

Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical wellness. Taking care of ourselves is not a selfish act; it allows us to recharge, often leading to better academic performance, lowered stress levels, and stronger social connections.

Self-Care is Individual

Self-care is entirely individual to each person, and no two people may choose the same self-care activities. The most important component is that these activities are deliberate, done often, and they leave you feeling recharged. Explore some of the self-care strategies below and find which ones may be helpful.

Schedule it in

It’s common for self-care strategies to become a lower priority when school, work, and relationships require your time and attention. Try to schedule at least one self-care strategy each day, whatever your time allows.

Examples of Self-Care Strategies

  • Try a yoga or stretching class on YouTube
  • Go for a walk in your neighbourhood
  • Go to bed close to the same time each night
  • Choose foods that make you feel nourished
  • Reach for water throughout the day

  • Journal or brain dump on paper
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Talk to a therapist or loved one
  • Practice a new hobby or skill
  • Spend time in nature
  • Play with a pet

  • Plan for quality time with friends
  • Participate in clubs or groups on campus
  • Schedule a weekly phone date to catch up with a friend or family member

  • Volunteer for a cause you believe in
  • Spend time meditating or in prayer
  • Try forest bathing
  • Connect with a spiritual group
